A Message Regarding COVID-19

Like all communities and churches across the nation and world, we are keeping a close eye on the coronavirus pandemic. At this point, Mississippi has been spared many of the difficult decisions facing other communities.

Your session is keeping a close eye on recommendations from both public health experts and from our denominational office. At present, we have no plans to cancel any church activities including Sunday worship. As things progress, we will keep you informed of any schedule changes.

In the meantime, please remember a few pieces of advice from the CDC:

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.

  2. People 60 and older appear to be most impacted by the virus and are getting sicker than the general population. Please consider carefully going into any group or gathering.

  3. Practice social distancing: no handshakes, don’t stand close to anyone else, wipe down surfaces in your home (phone, countertops, light switches, etc.) that are likely to be touched or have been touched by others.

It can be tempting to let the news overwhelm us. As long as we are able, the doors of Fondren will be open as a place of sanctuary and peace for our members and community. If you are not able to be with us in person, know that you are cherished in spirit. We will weather this season of anxiety together.

If you have any questions about church programs or calendar, email the church office office@fondrenpcusa.org or call (601) 982-3232.